27 June 2007

Nash Potatoes

Well, Latics official site went with "Nash Landing" and "Nash Wednesday", so I thought I'd come up with a similarly shit headline. Who does the official site?


That was an exclamation, not an answer to the question. The question was rhetorical.

GOD: "Atheism is the only true religion"
MAN: "I don't believe you"

What was the reason I started this story? I can't remember.

Oh yeah, we've signed the perma-tanned Carlo Nash on a two year deal.


Wigwhammed said...

I prefer the headline - Carlos can't wait to get his NAS-HERS into premiership life...GETIN!!!

Wigwhammed said...

ooops I meant to put NASH-ERS, it's just me being a tommy dick fingers.........

VALIS said...

Is that one from the official site? Latics admin are complete tool boxes.