6 June 2007

Lindsay finds gainful Latics employment

Wigan Warriors chairman and figure of fun/hate Maurice Lindsay has been elected to the FA council as one of five Premier League representatives.

Following the adoption of the Burns recommendations by The FA, the Premier League has a further three FA Council places.

The FA Council, which comprises 92 elected representatives from the constituent parts of the game, meets around six times a year to consider major policy issues and direction, as well as to approve proposals put forward by committee.

The fact Lindsay is now putting forward opinions on behalf of Wigan Athletic will surely rankle with the hardcore support who remember his demeaning of the club when they were in the lower divisions.


Anonymous said...

If this is true, it's a complete disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the podcast?

VALIS said...

It will be back. We're having a close-season shin-dig and it will be back next season. People seemed to like it!

Anonymous said...

What a complete twohat idiot

Anonymous said...

Well said gaz. I can't even begin to imagine what the other club's representatives will think about Latics when Maurice opens his mouth.